Sunday, November 30, 2008

Christmas is coming

These pictures showing Christmas celebration Party of our school. One of the pictures is like a miracle. See if you can find out the magic.

My husband likes fishing very much

He fishes in sunny days and in rainy days.

My son

He was born on August 14, 2008. We named him Lihao.

Got up at 4:00

I felt good to get up at 4 o'clock these two mornings.
I enjoyed the quiet time so much.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Get up early

Getting up early is a challenge for nowadays Christians, and so is it for me.

This morning I set my o'clock at 4:30am, but my three-month baby waked me up earlier than that. About 4:10am I was called up by my nanny and I knew the baby needed mommy's milk. So I got up and fed him.

The alarming rang when I was feeding my baby. Shall I just get up and begin my day, or sleep for a little while? I struggled in my mind to make a decision as I was giving the milk. If I began my day right away, it's too early, and...I may become very tired the whole day...So I found myself continuing sleeping in bed after feeding.

I got up at 8:24am.

I miss the days when I was a student in the Bible School. I got up at 4:00am each morning and enjoyed the time reading my Bible so much. The motivation was very clear, I wanted God to use me and send me to His mission field. A missionary vision kept my heart on fire. I also pressed myself into a new world through Bible reading and praying to God. I wanted to threw my old self and my old life away. Now I am a pastor, vice-principal and a teacher in the same Bible School, but I get up 4 hours late than that time as a student. I think I need new motivations so that I can get up early.

Anyway, I miss the hours without any disturbing and just to be with my Lord. I decide to get up early next morning at 4:00am.