Last winter Hunan suffered ice damage. Many south citys of China also had big snow, which was very unusual. South people even didn't know how to clear the thick ice off from the street. Local government had to invite north people to help deal with the thick ice. Military troops came out on streets helping clear off the ice and even tanks were put into use. Many people couldn't go back home to have family reunion at traditional Chinese New Year time. Airports and railway stations were full of people...
I was not in Hunan during the coldest time. I had a ministry trip. I flied to Yunnan, enjoyed warm wheather there. In fact, because it was a little bit too warm there, we had to use airconditioner to cool down in the car. Then I flied to Nanjing. The picture was taken in Nanjing by Burt Reed, our partner. When I wanted to come back from Nanjing to Changsha, there was no flights to Changsha. I couldn't come back home! Then I flied to Hainan by myself to meet our coworkers there and worked with them for several days. Hainan was also cold during those days! No sun and I dressed thick like a bear.
As this winter is coming. I do wish we have a warmer winter this year.
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